X Biennial of European Towns and Town Planers

The Cascais Municipality and the European Council of Spatial Planners are promoting the X Biennial of European Towns and Town Planers, in Cascais, Portugal, from 19th to 21st September:
New Paradigms, Challenges and Opportunities of European Cities
The contribution of Spatial Planning to overcome the crisis.

Children that are born today will live until 2090. We are also preparing our cities for them. How to do it? And how to combine the new paradigms, the new basis of cities life, with the overcome of the actual crisis?

Keynote speakers confirmed until now: Bernardo Secchi, Louis Albrechts, Alain Bourdin, Joan Busquets, Oriol Nel.lo, Kevin Murray, Vincent Goodstadt, António Camara e Jaime Melo Baptista.

It is necessary to have the theory and the best practices. Come to the 10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners. Bring us your professional experience, your questions and concerns, your answers and solutions. Together we will learn how to face the New Challenges, how to find New Opportunities, within the scope of New Paradigms.

There is also a special focus on: water, energy and communication.

The deadlines were extended to 15th June.

The main activities are:

  • Mayor’s Summit;
  • Cascais New Paradigms Workshop;
  • Young Planners Workshop on City without Public Economic Funds;
  • Best practices exhibition of innovative urban solutions;
  • Best practices exhibition of innovative plans and projects that were recently completed, you have the opportunity of showing and discussing your plans ansd projects;
  • Exhibition of new technologies recently developed;
  • The exhibition and conference about the awarded winning projects in the last two European Urban and Regional Planning Awards;
  • The posters exhibition and conference about selected works of the Cascais Urban Award 2013. You have the opportunity of being candidate to this Award with your Master or PhD thesis.

CASCAIS URBAN AWARD 2013 – Rules & Conditions

The Scientific Commission has created the “CASCAIS Urban Award 2013”, with the aim of incentivizing the production of academic works in the field of urban and regional planning, related with the conference theme “NEW PARADIGMS, CHALLENGES and OPPORTUNITIES”;

The prize will be the hotel accommodation for two persons in Cascais on the dates on which the 10th BIENNAL OF EUROPEAN TOWNS AND TOWN PLANNERS 2013 will be held.

The prize will be awarded by a jury in accordance with the rules that you can consult in the website.

The website is: http://cascaisurban2013.pt

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