Espon, entro il 9 marzo si possono inviare progetti analitici
Di seguito l’invito per partecipare secondo le modalità indicate a proporre progetti analitici entro il 9 marzo a Espon, osservatorio territoriale europeo.
Dear colleague,
The ESPON EGTC hereby invites you to consider submitting a proposal for a Targeted Analysis under the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme.
The purpose of ESPON Targeted Analyses is to bring in the European perspective into policy and programming processes related to territorial development and cohesion.
Stakeholders can submit proposals for Targeted Analyses which can meet their particular policy demands and needs for tailor-made territorial evidence with a broader territorial context. Stakeholders that can apply are policymakers and practitioners from national, regional and local administrative levels as well as managing authorities and programme secretariats for EU funded programmes.
Targeted Analyses make use of ESPON territorial evidence in concrete practise with the objective of directly contributing to informing policy decisions related to the development of regions, cities and larger territories.
How does it work?
Stakeholders develop project proposals and submit them to the ESPON EGTC for evaluation. For successful proposals, the ESPON EGTC will tender and offer the necessary analytical expertise to the stakeholders behind.
The Targeted Analysis will be carried through by bringing together stakeholders and experts, combining the knowledge and experience of the selected stakeholders with existing European territorial evidence within the topic of the proposed analysis.
The Targeted Analysis once started is supposed to deliver its results in 12 months.
How to Apply?
The closing date for the submission of stakeholder proposals for the first round of Targeted Analyses is on 9 March 2016.
Proposals must be submitted by using a digital application form, available on the ESPON website <>. A guidance document is as well available here to support the preparation of a stakeholder proposal.
Proposals can be submitted by groups of stakeholders sharing a common analytical need as well as by individual stakeholders. It is also possible to include relevant umbrella organisations from European level in the implementation and steering of a Targeted Analysis.
How will projects be selected?
During 2016 a maximum of six proposals can be selected for implementation. The selection will be based on the selection criteria included in the guidance document. It is important that applicants carefully consider their project proposal in the context of these criteria and complete the application form in full.
Who to contact for further advice?
The ESPON EGTC is available to field queries on developing stakeholder proposals. Please email any queries you may have to
We hope very much that the opportunity that ESPON Targeted Analyses provide encourage you to submit a stakeholder proposal.
Moreover, I kindly ask you to forward this mail to other stakeholders that you find could benefit from being informed.
Best regards,
Peter Mehlbye