Call for the Special Session “Maintenance and regeneration of the territory as an opportunity for their ecological transformation”

E’ prorogata all’8 marzo prossimo la scadenza della Call per l’invio di abstract o paper per il 59° Congresso dell’ERSA in programma a Lione, Francia, dal 27 al 30 agosto 2019. Stefano Aragona coordina la Sessione “Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an opportunity for their ecological transformation”. La comunicazione in inglese: 

It is open the Call for sending abstract or paper for the 59th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, ERSA, August 27 – 29, 2019, Lyon, where there is the Special Session I proposed entitled “Maintenance and regeneration of the territory and the city as an opportunity for their ecological transformation”. It represents a further step in the study, started since 1987, of the relationship between modality of anthropization and innovation,  Another phase later the special session “Ecological Resilience and Care of the Common House to Build the Landscape of Contemporaneity and Future Scenarios of Territories and Cities”  organized by me, together with Peter Nijikamp, at the ERSA Congress 2018 “Places for people: Innovative, Inclusive and Liveable regions” held in Cork, Ireland.

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