Call for papers: TeMA vol.7 n.3 (2014) Smart Cities Challenges: Planning for Smart Cities. Dealing with New Urban Challenges

The role of urban planner is changing: ICT and big data availability, enabling them to monitor and analyse large amount of data and information, may contribute to better understand and plan the city, improving efficiency, equity and quality of life for its citizens and its capacity to face future challenges. Big data availability is shifting our focus away from the long to the very short term, affecting urban planner’s efforts on generating an effective knowledge base for planning.
This TeMA issue focuses on the theme of Planning for Smart Cities and invites contributions investigating innovative approaches, methods, techniques, tools for supporting urban and spatial plans (at different scales) on the following themes:
− Functional Densification;
− Social Housing;
− Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal;
− City Competitiveness in Economic Crisis;
− Brownfield Transformation;
− Maintenance, Upgrading and Innovation of Urban Infrastructures;
− Regeneration of Existing Building Stock;
− Reassessment of Urban Standards.

For submissions deadline 10th September, 2014 at the address

Articolo pubblicato in: Articoli Newsletter, InuSegnala, Segnalazioni
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